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Ways to keep a happy and healthy mind

Do you feel healthy? Healthy in what way? Being healthy physically is different from being healthy psychologically.   You  might be going to the gym four or five times a week, eating healthy foods every day for a healthier body, but what about your mind? Having a healthy mentality will reap you a lot of great benefits. You will have a better response to the things that are happening around you. You will be able to acknowledge opportunities underlying negative events that can be a great learning curve in your life. Here are several ways to have a happier, healthier, and sound mind Stay away from toxic people Circle of friends or people you stay with directly affects your thoughts. If you stay with people that always think negatively, you're most likely to absorb those negativities and toxicity in life. Surround yourself with friends that have a positive outlook in life. Not only will you absorb thei...

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